Child Adoption Slogans

Love knows no borders

Love knows no borders


It’s in the love, not the blood

It’s in the love, not the blood


I was born in my mommy’s heart

I was born in my mommy’s heart


Yes I am his real father

Yes I am his real father


Yes, I am his REAL’ mother

Yes, I am his REAL’ mother


Foster to Adopt

Foster to Adopt


I don’t have their eyes but I do have their hearts!

I don’t have their eyes but I do have their hearts!


Give a child a family: Adopt from foster care

Give a child a family: Adopt from foster care


Adopt A Child, Make your and their life, Happy

Adopt A Child, Make your and their life, Happy


You don’t have to be perfect to be a perfect parent.

You don’t have to be perfect to be a perfect parent.


Have a heart and give a child a start

Have a heart and give a child a start


Adoption: where your mother becomes a stranger, and a stranger becomes your mother

Adoption: where your mother becomes a stranger, and a stranger becomes your mother