Save Electricity Slogans
Shut your mouth & Save electricity
Save electricity, save money and save planet
Save electricity, Got it?
Save electricity – Living innovation
Say save electricity
Electricity saver rocks
Use energy savers for saving electricity
Live long and save electricity
I love to save electricity
Save electricity, Just do it
Save electricity, say it to all
It’s all about electricity
Save electricity today – Save electricity tomorrow
Save electricity for all
Every machine runs on electricity, save it
Don’t bite – turn off the light
Saving electricity, the wise choice
Saving electricity, the smarter choice
Just save electricity
Your future depends on electricity
Let’s save electricity
Keep calm and save electricity
My Mom says, save electricity
Electricity matters
You can’t live without electricity
Be polite, turn off the light
Turn off the lights when sun is out
Save electricity for your better tomorrow
Save today – Use tomorrow
Turn it off