Tuberculosis Slogans
Kick it before it kicks you
Punch TB hard
TB can kill you
Join hands against TB
Say no to TB, say it to all
Imagine a world without TB
Keep calm & say no to TB
Fight before it starts… Test for TB
Stop TB in our Lifetime
Hit the road and kick the TB!
You can stop Tuberculosis, Join us
Worlds TB day 24 March
TB anywhere is TB everywhere
I am stopping TB
Innovate to accelerate action
Transforming the fight towards elimination
Call for a world free of TB
Use DOTS more widely
DOTS success stories
Stop TB, use DOTS
Forging new partnerships to Stop TB
TB cure for all
Stop TB, fight poverty
Cured me – it will cure you too!
Stop TB in my lifetime
Every breath counts – Stop TB now!
I want no more people sick with TB