Anti Marijuana Slogans

Weed is for dopes

Weed is for dopes


You’ll like pot, untill you get caught

You’ll like pot, untill you get caught


Pot makes your brain rot, so lets not

Pot makes your brain rot, so lets not


Say not to pot

Say not to pot


Weed costs you more than money

Weed costs you more than money


Dont do weed. its for dweebs

Dont do weed. its for dweebs


Who says being a quitter is a bad thing?

Who says being a quitter is a bad thing?


Do dope, Lose Hope

Do dope, Lose Hope


Mary Jane ruins the brain

Mary Jane ruins the brain


You know marijuana? well you don’t wanna.

You know marijuana? well you don’t wanna.


Hang tough, don’t puff

Hang tough, don’t puff


I never smoke weed on days that end in Y

I never smoke weed on days that end in Y


Don’t do Pot, Your brain will rot

Don’t do Pot, Your brain will rot


Take the lead dont do weed.

Take the lead dont do weed.


A friend in deed, won’t make you smoke that weed

A friend in deed, won’t make you smoke that weed


An ounce of weed a day takes your life away

An ounce of weed a day takes your life away


No need for weed

No need for weed


Sing songs don’t to do bongs.

Sing songs don’t to do bongs.


I don’t do drugs, I don’t do weed, I just want hugs, That’s all I need

I don’t do drugs, I don’t do weed, I just want hugs, That’s all I need


Put that stash in the trash

Put that stash in the trash


Keep off the Grass!

Keep off the Grass!


Do a good deed and kill the weed

Do a good deed and kill the weed