Anti Suicide Slogans
Don’t be a fool
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem
Look in to the eyes of problems, they will run away
Who will take care of your family
Your child love to live with you
Don’t even think to commit a suicide
You are awesome, Never commit suicide
Be brave
Don’t loose hope
Believe in GOD and move on
Face problem, don’t run from them
Your family loves you
Your family needs you
Your children are waiting for you
Love your wife & your life
Keep calm & carry on
Cowards commit suicide
Keep fighting
Respect your life
Never kill yourself
However long the night, the dawn will break
It’s always too early to quit
Your life is not over, your life is important
Keep going
Don’t lose yourself in your fear
Give life a chance
Suicide is never the answer
Keep calm and stop suicide
Don’t listen if someone says you aren’t good enough
You are unique